Geboren am 30. 4.1941 in Berlin
Abitur in Stuttgart
Studium der Volkswirtschaft in Tübingen
Tätigkeit in der Industrie
Seit 1979 als Heilpraktiker in eigener Praxis
Verheiratet seit 1979, 7 Kinder.
Seit 1984 wohnhaft in Ellwangen/Jagst
Im Jahre 2003 nominiert für einen sog. Alternativen Nobelpreis
(Right Livelihood Award):
"Nominierung von Herrn Melhorn:
Für seine Tatkraft und den Mut, gegen die etablierte Schulmedizin das Erbe von Dr. med. Berthold Kern, hinsichtlich Herzinfarkttherapie und Schlaganfalltherapie, ins Internet zu stellen und es beherzt, zum Wohle der vielen Herz- und Schlaganfallkranken, gegen Anfeindungen zu verteidigen."
In 2003 nominated for a Right Livelhood Award:
"Nomination of Mr. Melhorn:
For his initiative and his courage setting the legacy of the internist Dr. med. Berthold Kern - his reports and experience - into the internet, with regard to cardiac infarct therapy and apoplectic stroke therapy, contrary to the established conventional medicine, and defending it courageously against hostilities, for interest and good health of that many patients with cardiac infarct and with stroke."
Pressemitteilung der Right Livelihood Award Foundation zur Stiftung und den Kriterien einer Preisverleihung:
"Founded in 1980, the Right Livelihood Awards are presented annually in the Swedish Parliament and are often referred to as 'Alternative Nobel Prizes'.
They were introduced to honour and support those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today.
Jakob von Uexkull, a Swedish-German philatelic expert, sold his valuable postage stamps to provide the original endowment.
Alfred Nobel wanted to honour those whose work "brought the greatest benefit to humanity".
Von Uexkull felt that the Nobel Prizes today ignore rnuch work and knowledge vital for our world and future".